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Belly Button During Pregnancy, Why Can It Hurt?

During pregnancy, the body goes through various changes to adjust to the requirements of the child filling in the belly. Among the discernible changes is the change of the navel, which can take on various shapes during the nine months of development. Not only that, the stomach button during pregnancy can likewise become difficult. Commonly, the adjustment of the tummy button is impermanent and gets back to its standard shape in the wake of conceiving an offspring.

It is safe and doesn’t cause specific inconvenience for most ladies. Nonetheless, in certain conditions, it is fundamental to counsel a specialist on the off chance that it becomes difficult or, on the other hand, assuming that release happens. In this article, we’ll see the reason why it works out and what are the most widely recognized reasons for navel distress during pregnancy.

How Does The Navel Change During Pregnancy?

The development of the uterus and the place of the child can come down on the navel. As a matter of fact, when the embryo develops, the uterus extends past its standard spot to oblige it. This development comes down to the midsection, likewise compacting the navel. During the subsequent trimester, the uterus is situated between the midsection button and the bosoms, while in the third trimester, it stretches out from the pubic region to the foundation of the ribs. After some time, expanded tension on the paunch button can cause torment, tingling, and uneasiness.

Navel And Pregnancy

Other phenomena that can occur are:

  • The appearance of a dark vertical line running from the sternum to the pubis is darkening and becoming more evident. This hyperpigmentation around the belly button is caused by hormonal changes that darken the skin around this area.
  • The appearance of discomfort and pain.

After giving birth, your belly button should return to its original shape. In some cases, however, it may take time to heal completely.

Navel Pain During Pregnancy

Many pregnant people experience belly button pain during the second and third trimesters. This can be due to several causes. Let’s see them in detail.

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Uterine Pressure

The development of the uterus and the place of the child can come down on the navel. As a matter of fact, when the baby develops, the uterus extends past its standard spot to oblige it. This development comes down on the mid-region, additionally packing the navel. During the subsequent trimester, the uterus is situated between the gut button and the bosoms, while in the third trimester, it reaches out from the pubic region to the foundation of the ribs.

Over the long haul, the expanded strain on the paunch button can cause torment, tingling, and uneasiness.


Weight gain and shifting of organs during pregnancy cause the skin and muscles around the belly to stretch or stretch. Stretching of the skin can cause localized pain and itching in and around the belly button. It can also sometimes cause diastasis recti, a condition that can occur

during pregnancy due to excessive stretching or straining of the abdominal muscles.

This condition occurs when the two large parallel muscles of the abdomen (known as the “rectus abdominis”) separate along the midline of the body, creating a space between them. This space or “gap” is the hallmark of diastasis recti. Usually, these muscles are joined in the center of the abdomen by a connective tissue called the “linea alba.”

However, too much pressure on this tissue, for example, due to stretching during pregnancy, leads to the formation of a gap between the rectus abdominis muscles. Diastasis recti does not directly cause belly button pain. Still, it reduces the amount of tissue between the uterus and the belly button, which can increase pressure sensitivity throughout the area.

Strain Of The Round Ligament

Another possible cause of umbilical pain during pregnancy is a strain on the round ligament. The round ligament supports the uterus and extends to the groin. As the uterus grows, this ligament can stretch and cause sharp pain or spasms around the belly button or groin.

Umbilical Hernia

Although a hernia may seem dangerous, it generally does not cause any harm to the pregnant woman or the fetus. An umbilical hernia can occur due to increased uterine pressure. Unless it causes significant symptoms, the doctor may recommend observing the progression rather than surgical intervention.

Navel Piercing

Pain near the navel during pregnancy could also depend on the presence of the piercing. It is good to know that during this period of sweet waiting, it may be necessary to remove the navel piercing to avoid the stretched skin causing it to tear. A possible wound to the navel increases the risk of infection.

Navel Pain, Natural Remedies

Given that it is always preferable to contact the doctor to get to the bottom of navel pain, once the cause is understood, some natural remedies can be adopted. Between these,

the application of hot or cold compresses with a towel to be applied to the area affected by pain and itching to relieve discomfort

The application of a calamine lotion (a galenic drug used as a soothing and anti-itch) or an Aloe Vera-based gel to soothe the sensitive skin above and around the navel.

If the pain is not due to an umbilical hernia, a pregnancy massage can also help relieve the pain.

Umbilical Pain Here’s When To Contact The Doctor

Most reasons for tummy button torment during pregnancy don’t bring about long-haul inconveniences. They can be dealt with with rest, the utilization of hot or cold packs, and the utilization of acetaminophen to assuage torment. For the most part, as portrayed above, torment in the navel during pregnancy is related to the expansion of the uterus and the strain applied on the muscles and skin of the midsection. This sort of aggravation appears as gentle and transitory.

Nonetheless, it is fundamental to counsel a specialist in the event that the side effect perseveres or then again, assuming it turns out to be more severe and is joined by other stressing signs. In these cases, umbilical torment could likewise be a side effect of something more serious. On the off chance that the skin around your gut button becomes excited, red, or broken, or on the other hand, assuming the torment becomes severe or sharp.

These side effects could show a potential disease or an umbilical hernia, a condition in which part of the digestive system or greasy tissue distends into the stomach wall close to the gut button. At long last, in the event that midsection button torment is related to side effects like nausea, regurgitating, fever, loss of craving, or changes in gut propensities, it could demonstrate a hidden issue, for example, an infected appendix or an entrail issue, conditions that should be tended to quickly.

Also Read: Escherichia Coli In Pregnancy: Is It Dangerous?

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