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Fitness: How To Get The Most Out Of Your Walk

Do you want to get the maximum benefit from your daily walk? These simple tips will make walking even healthier.

We have all known the benefits of going for a walk in the fresh air since the lockdown at the latest. They are not only beneficial for our physical but also mental health. But there are ways to get even more value out of your time in nature than just hitting 10,000 steps a day. With these expert tips, you can turn every simple walk into a small but effective workout for the mind and body.

Track It

If you’re new to walking, you may not yet know your walking heart rate, how far you can walk in 20 minutes, or how fast you walk. This is where a fitness tracker or step counting app can be beneficial. This allows you to get to know your walking style, develop it further, and set goals. However, it is crucial to distance yourself from the numbers and listen to your body after a while. These should only serve as a guide value at the beginning.

Vary The Intensity

Faster walking is automatically linked to more excellent health and fitness benefits, that’s clear. However, it is also essential to vary the pace and intensity of walks to find your own perfect walking pace. Try different speeds and decide which one feels best for you because fast doesn’t always mean efficient. 

Use Resistance

Doctors and fitness professionals recommend trekking poles to increase the exertion of walking. When walking, the upper and lower body muscles are equally stressed and thus replace a full-body workout. However, if you prefer walking around town, you can use hand or ankle weights. Start light and work your way up to avoid injury.

Find A Walking Buddy

Can’t you bring yourself to go for a walk or don’t find the time? How about teaming up with a friend and meeting regularly to go out? The social benefits of exercise help us maximize the benefits of exercise to achieve our fitness goals. You can also set challenges for each other and thus strive for higher goals and gain more self-confidence.

Fast Music

A study in Frontiers in Psychology found that listening to music fast while exercising resulted in a higher heart rate and the least perceived exertion. However, mindful walking without music can also have psychological benefits and optimize our walks. Just try out whether you prefer to walk with or without music and what works best for your body. 


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