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How Does The Slimming Process Work? Find Out How To Do It!

The Slimming process takes time, so the physical education professional must be prepared to help his student at this stage.

Therefore, we have prepared this text so that you can better understand how this weight loss process works and how to carry it out. Check it out below!

How Does Metabolism Work?

To better understand how this whole weight loss process works, we first need to understand what metabolism is and how it works.

Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions our body carries out to produce and use energy.

We obtain energy in two ways: through the aerobic and anaerobic metabolic pathways. These two pathways provide the necessary fuel for each type of exercise according to duration and intensity.

In aerobic metabolism, oxygen converts substrates (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) into ATP. The synthesis of this ATP molecule is slow but necessary for long-term activities.

In anaerobic metabolism, energy production is carried out without oxygen but with glucose or glycogen, which allows a rapid synthesis of ATP, used by the body for intense and short-term activities.

How Does The Weight Loss Process Work?

The weight loss process can occur through several mechanisms, including food re-education and physical activity, where one can enhance the other.

Physical activity associated with a balanced diet is one of the main tools for weight loss; food re-education is learning about the quantity and quality of ideal foods for each meal.

On the other hand, physical activity increases caloric expenditure, helps prevent diseases, improves cardiorespiratory functions, reduces stress, and tones muscles. But we know that getting the results is something that takes time.

Weight Loss Circuit

The circuit consists of a series of exercises arranged sequentially and performed successively without interruption, that is, without intervals.

This circuit aims to develop various physical qualities because, through it, you can improve both anaerobic and aerobic capacity; that is, it adjusts itself according to the objective of each individual.

To avoid the onset of early fatigue, the intensity and muscle groups worked should be changed, always selecting exercises that are easy to perform and respecting the particularity of each student. It is normal for the student slows down on the second or third lap due to fatigue.

Some benefits provided by the circuit are:

  • Training time savings;
  • Better short-term results;
  • The ease of organization, application, and control of training;
  • Wide variety of stimuli;
  • Helps to lose weight;
  • As well as being very motivating.

How To Build A Circuit For The Weight Loss Process

To set up a circuit that helps with the weight loss process, you first need to define which metabolism will be recruited, aerobic or anaerobic, and then select exercises according to each.

The circuit must be composed of 3 or a maximum of 5 exercises per station, with two to three laps in each station.

When choosing exercises, we must consider which muscle groups will be requested during training, being careful not to put two exercises in a row that work for the same muscle group.

It is important to remember that the exercises must be arranged sequentially, allowing an alternation of intensity and muscles to work. An interval of 1 minute should be allowed between stations to allow for partial recovery without compromising the sequential character of the method.

To measure the intensity of an exercise, we can use the Heart Rate (HR) or the Borg scale. These parameters were created because there is a minimum intensity limit for the exercise to be effective and a maximum for good tolerance and protection of the cardiovascular system.

Calculating Training Heart Rate

To calculate the heart rate of training, you must:

  1. Get your maximum heart rate: subtract your age from 220 HRmax=220-age(years).
  2. Obtain Resting Heart Rate: at rest, place your index and middle fingers on your wrist and count how many beats you had in 60 seconds.
  3. Get Reserve Heart Rate: Subtract your Resting Heart Rate from your Maximum Heart Rate. FC rep. – HR max
  4. Calculate the percentage of intensity at which you will work: check the fitness level table your student is at, multiply this percentage by the reserve HR, and add this result to the resting HR.

Heart rate measurement is a quantitative way of defining the intensity of a class or an exercise, allowing a detailed follow-up of your student’s progress.

Intermittent Exercises

High-intensity intermittent exercises or exercises of varying intensity have been frequently used in prescriptions for combating overweight and weight loss.

Intermittent Exercises consist of interspersing high-intensity exercises with others of moderate intensity, characterized by the execution of repeated sessions of a short duration period, alternating with periods of lower intensity lasting equal to or twice the effort time, aiming at recovery. Of the individual.

It aims to transmit intense stimuli to the body, followed by a period of moderate activity, providing the recruitment of a greater number of muscle fibers, and is very effective in reducing body fat.

This exercise increases the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, contributing to greater energy expenditure after physical activity.


The slimming process is gradually conquered through exercise and good eating habits.

As a good physical education professional, you must help your student with the best exercises for this purpose and advise him to see a nutritionist so that his diet can be planned effectively, avoiding future problems.

Also Read: Six Things That Can Make It Hard To Lose Weight

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