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Lose Weight: No Carbohydrates In The Evening?

Is This Diet A Miracle Cure For Getting Rid Of Flab? Like many others, this weight-loss strategy also has its pitfalls.Slim in your sleep? That’s it! The theory: if you do without carbohydrates in the evening, you burn fat at night. On the other hand, if he eats a portion of pasta in the evening, fat loss is blocked. “There’s something to it,” says Professor Susanne Klaus from the German Institute for Nutritional Research in Potsdam-Rehbrücke.

Put, when you eat carbohydrates, your blood sugar levels rise. This releases the body’s hormone insulin. It causes sugar, or more precisely glucose, to move from the blood into the cells. At the same time, insulin promotes the formation of fat and inhibits its breakdown. During the day, the body mainly covers its energy needs through food. At night, the organism attacks its reserves when necessary to get energy. And that happens, among other things, through the breakdown of fats.

The Calorie Intake Is Crucial

But: During the day, the body goes to the fat deposits when you consume more energy than you consume – for example, through exercise. And: If you don’t eat carbohydrate meals in the evening, you are still not allowed to eat more than usual during the day. “The total amount of energy in a day always counts,” notes Klaus. So it comes down to the calories you consume every day.

Nevertheless, the nutrition expert says: “Eating fewer carbohydrates to lose weight is worth a try.” This weight-loss method is easy to implement. You don’t have to count calories before each meal laboriously. Just eat less of certain foods. For example, bread, pasta, rice, sweets, dishes made from white flour, and sugary lemonades contain plenty of carbohydrates. Likewise in potatoes and fruit – but also depending on the variety.

Simple Carbohydrates Increase Blood Sugar Levels Quickly

Food also contains different types of carbohydrates. While sweets and sweet lemonades mainly consist of quickly digestible sugars, more complex carbohydrates are found in legumes and whole-grain bread. Quickly digestible carbohydrates cause blood sugar to skyrocket and usually only fill you up for a short time. We digest complex carbohydrates more slowly, and they only cause blood glucose to rise moderately and feel satiated for much longer.

If you want to eat fewer carbohydrates, you should save on sweets and sugary sodas in particular. Two to three snacking units a week is outstanding; every day would be a little too much. Whole grain products – whether as rice, spaghetti, or bread – you shouldn’t ultimately hold back. This also applies to fruit. Although bananas, kiwis, and dried fruits contain a relatively large amount of glucose, they also contain essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. So fruit should still be on the menu.

Ready-Made Dressings Often Contain A Lot Of Sugar

Tip: You can make the portions smaller for whole-grain products. So less pasta and rice, but more vegetables on the plate. Do not make a warm meal with carbohydrates every day. Instead, fry a portion of salmon or turkey and serve it with a salad. Since “ready-made dressings often contain a lot of sugar,” as Klaus says, a homemade sauce with vinegar and oil is better. The German Nutrition Society found out that most Germans cover their carbohydrate needs with bread. There is also potential for savings: instead of two slices of bread, combine one slice with a portion of lettuce, radishes, or yogurt. In addition, a thinner slice also makes you whole.

If you are only fixated on avoiding carbohydrates, you may forget that fat is also a source of calories. One gram of fat contains around nine kilocalories. The exact amount of sugar is only around four kilocalories. Nutrition experts say that a low-carbohydrate diet is often associated with increased consumption of fat and protein. But fatty calorie bombs do not make the pounds go away any more than sweet sins!


It can help you lose weight if you consume fewer carbohydrates – based on the whole day. The method is easy to implement and saves calories, says nutrition expert Klaus. “However, this only applies if you eat a lower-calorie diet overall.” No sugar, but more fat or other energy donors are of no use. You should also move. That burns calories and builds muscle mass. More muscles use more energy.


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